If dental anxiety keeps you from getting dental exams and other routine care, you may need more costly and complicated treatment later on. At Kenneth W. Baker, DDS and Associates, we don’t want anxiety to derail your dental care! We offer sedation options and comfort amenities to make visiting our McAllen, TX dentist office a stress-free experience.
You’ll find:
- An environment where your concerns are always taken into consideration
- A willingness to customize your experience; for instance, with longer appointment times
- A method of administering anesthesia that takes the sting out of the process
- Patient-friendly technology that keeps your care quick and comfortable
- Two types of sedation, including IV sedation
- Amenities to keep you comfortable, like beverages for waiting family members, music, warm towels, pillows, and blankets
We’ll help you overcome your dental anxiety! Call (956) 232-8029.
Choose From Two Kinds of Sedation Dentistry
You never need to feel nervous about any procedure at our office, because you can get dental sedation if you need it. Dr. Kenneth Baker, a member of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology, can give you:
- Oral sedation, in the form of prescription medication you take before your treatment
- Intravenous (IV) sedation, which offers a deep level of relaxation, almost a sleeplike state
Even if you’re not anxious, sedation is helpful in other situations:
- To help you remain still for a lengthy procedure or multiple procedures
- To ease a sensitive gag reflex
- To make it easier to get treatment if a stiff jaw or other condition makes it tough to keep your mouth open for an extended period
You may not even need sedation thanks to a state-of-the-art system we use to administer anesthesia. Numbness is instant and you’ll feel no sting. Only the area being treated, not the rest of your mouth, gets numb. So you won’t experience after-effects such as an unpleasant tingling sensation or difficulty eating and drinking.
For more information on sedation options and other ways we relieve dental anxiety, call (956) 232-8029 or use our online form.