A few words to express my gratitude for the fine service you have provided me as my dentist. I know I made the right decision in putting myself in your fine care. Both my wife and I are very impressed by everyone in your office for their professional and caring attitude that is always bestowed upon us.
The slogan on your business card reads, “Dentistry for everyone with care and concern”. You could not have chosen a better slogan for your dentistry. I totally agree with your slogan because your actions and those of all who work there in your office take pride in doing what they do. After the last procedure, I told you that you have a caring and understanding attitude towards your patients. I sincerely mean this. Not too many doctors possess this quality but you certainly do and I am grateful for that.
Your anesthesiologist Dr. Gustavo Licea is extremely professional and caring also. You made an excellent choice in choosing Dr. Licea. I have also written him a separate thank you letter and have left it with you to pass on to him.
I am extremely pleased to be under your care. I have had very little discomfort since the procedure and I’m looking forward towards the end results. Again I thank you and yours for the services rendered me and hopefully my wife will soon be your patient as soon as my treatment is completed.
Please feel free to share this or any part of this letter in any manner you deem appropriate.
Thank you for all you do